In the last minute rush to put the Fixtures Calendar together the details of Coaching Courses on page 90 were not properly checked, and unfortunately are shot through with errors. Corrections are as follows:
1. Both the Improver Course and the Bronze Course at Southwick will be held on 26-27 April.
2. The South West Federation Bronze Course will be held at Nausea on 17-18 April, managed by Peter Dyke, 23 Broom Farm Close, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 4YJ, tel 01275 545178.
3. The Silver Courses at Dulwich will be on 3-4 May, and at Bath on 26-27 April.
The CA has applied to the Criminal Records Bureau to be recognised as an Umbrella Body for processing applications for disclosure, but this will not happen until the Secretary personally has been checked. All the necessary forms have been submitted, but as many of you will be aware the CRB is dealing with a large backlog of priority applications, and we have had no indication of when the process is likely to be completed. In the meantime there is no reason why clubs should not continue with existing youth initiatives or embark on new ones — provided, of course, that those involved refrain from abusing children.