Dear Member
Throughout the winter months we try to organise various events to keep members in contact, as many do not wish to carry on playing. If you have any ideas for a social event, have a word with Joyce Wilson, who co-ordinates them. We have organised some events already, including a visit to the theatre and a lunch & talk at Trelissick Gardens. Other events are listed below.
1. Club Lunches - From Monday 3rd November, and on first Monday of each month, you are invited to bring your lunch to the club, from 12.00 o’clock onwards. You can play some croquet, if the weather is good, or participate in the various board or card games etc that are available. There is no fixed format – just come and join in whatever is happening.
2. Quiz Nights - Every Tuesday evening, from the 5th November, some members gather at the Ship Inn at Par (Polmear) to enter a team in the Quiz Night. That starts at 8.30 pm, but some have a pub meal there first, meeting at 7.00 for 7.30. Just turn up in time for the meal or the quiz. If you want to be sure that somebody will be there, give Joyce a ring on 01726 823722. All are welcome to join in, especially if you know anything about pop music!
3. Pre Christmas Get-together - For the last couple of years, David & Barry Edwards have organised a get-together just before Christmas and after a club afternoon. They have provided the mulled wine, for which a small charge is made. This year the event will be on Thursday 18th December – just turn up and play, or come at about 4.o’clock. If you know you are coming, it would help the catering if you could let Barry know; and if you can bring a few mince pies or savoury nibbles, let her know that at the same time.
4. Lecture Lunch at Trelissick - If you are intersted in attending the lecture lunch at Trelissick, on Thursday 20th November, it is probably not too late to book. The subject is John Opie, the Cornish portrait painter: please let Pam know ASAP if you want to attend. The cost, including a 2-course set meal is £15.
5. A Christmas lunch has been organised at the Carlyon Bay Hotel on 10th December. Joyce has booked for 40 but, if you would like to join in, there is still time to book a place by contacting Joyce. The lunch will be served at 12.45, and it is important to be there for that time.
Croquet has not been totally forgotten for the winter; events for next season are already in the pipeline, and the fixture list will soon be taking shape. Our request to enter a second team into the SW Federation Golf League has been accepted, and there will be a course for potential club coaches, for both codes, at Porthpean. This will be open to all clubs, but there should be plenty of scope to include those, from this club, who have indicated an interest.
Ron George.